My name is Kacey Kells; I was born in Victoria, BC, Canada, in 1994.I moved to London (with my mom) when I was 17 and now live in Paris. I'm a student in Political Science and Economics, and feel particularly concerned with the contribution of Women Empowerment to Development. I wrote "KELLCEY" because I was a victim of a sexual assault and I wanted people to know how hard it is to live and survive after such... an aggression. Because the worst comes after, because you're unable to tell or explain... because you feel alone, scared, ashamed. Because no one should suffer such a traumatic event. Because in a balanced society, everybody should feel safe, because everybody deserves respect and protection. Because, beyond our differences (men and women), we're all Human beings! For the same reason, I wrote "(His)Story of Women: the Second Sex" to analyze the origins and consequences of the objectification of women, and to highlight how important and vital it is for the contemporary soviety to end gender discrimination and to empower women.
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