Book Discussion: Diary of a Drama Queen

Diary of a Drama Queen
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Diary of a Drama Queenby Stephanie DolcePublish: Feb 28, 2018Series: My Tiara Is Giving Me A HeadacheTeen & Young Adult
    • Stephanie Dolce Stephanie Dolce 4 years ago
    • The Diary of a Drama Queen, is the new soap-opera- starring people you actually know! There's the airing out all their dirty little secrets! Between Maddy Ware trying to ruin Cindy Rossini forever, the secret that Cindy reveals about Maddy and the love affair between student/teacher, it's a drama-filled life in this small town. Oh, and there's something about how one mystery man who can change Cindy's life forever! The Diary of a Drama Queen is edgy and controversial Napoleon once said that secrets travel fast in Paris. But at the Hans Christian Academy, they travel a lot faster.
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