Book Discussion: Four Bittersweet Romances & A Four-Act Closet Drama

Four Bittersweet Romances & A Four-Act Closet Drama
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Four Bittersweet Romances & A Four-Act Closet Dramaby Lawrence G. TaylorPublish: Nov 03, 2019Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Romance Historical Fiction Literary Fiction Fantasy more»
    • Lawrence G. Taylor Lawrence G. Taylor 4 years ago
    • Customer Review:
      I enjoyed “Four Bittersweet Romances & A Four-Act Closet Drama” greatly. Very well mastered, written in a descriptive language, full of valuable details, it became a real page-turner for me.
      All stories in this book are impressive, so different, yet making an indivisible whole. Some will appeal more to you, some probably less. But all of them are touching strings of one’s heart, for sure.
      The vivid dialogues and interactions underline the uniqueness of each character in this amazing read. It is very hard to name one thing that I loved about this book the most, but I was definitely very touched by the emotional story of the romantic relationship between Maja and Calle and its events made me empathize with the heroes deeply. Binky’s Reverie showed me that love is the most simple, yet the most complicated feeling. Getting It Right If Ever conveyed such a deep understanding of human nature on every page and Tell Me Who My Enemy Is reminded me of what an unforgettable experience it is to feel alive.
      The most stunning, however, was a short story Two Girls in a Cafe.
      It gave me that amazing feeling of presence right inside the story, like I was sitting at the nearby table, and listening to the girls myself. The atmosphere of personal participation was outstanding!
      All of the works in this compilation are united with the author’s effort to depict human life: hopes, wishes, feelings, dreams, but also failures, misunderstandings, and challenges. I think the author succeeded in doing this, cause sometimes the scenes from his book are nearly palpable! I highly recommend this wonderful book from Lawrence.G.Taylor to everyone!
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