Charles and his classmates meet a fire marshal and learn some tips about fire safety.
This book can be used to:
- reinforce lessons from fire safety themes and presentations
- encourage children to help with fire prevention
- introduce children to another community service career opportunity
Children'sAdvice & How ToGeneral NonfictionChristian NonfictionParentingBusiness
BIOGRAPHY I'm a mother, author, caregiver, instructor, and motivator. I have a degree in social services, college certification in Early Childhood Care Education, have worked directly with individuals in behavioral facilities, and have owned my own daycare. My author credits include books related to caregiving, an educational workbook for introduction to childcare, and personal transformation. Numerous articles, blogs, blurbs, and notes are posted online through different ministries, organizations, and businesses for which I was a ghostwriter or contributor. My main writing areas include Bible-based topics, caregiving, personal growth, and interpersonal communications. However, I will sometimes write things to amuse myself because I love to laugh.
In addition to homeschooling my children for a few years, I have given instruction in piano, reading music, mathematics, and other areas in which I could assistant. I enjoy supporting others, helping them to find areas in which they can shine, and seeing people of all ages and abilities reach their individual goals.