Undercurrents in Time: Book 2 of the Detours in Time series
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Undercurrents in Time: Book 2 of the Detours in Time series

by Pamela Schloesser CanepaPublish: Jun 26, 2018Science Fiction
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Supernatural Suspense Science Fiction

Finding Inspiration everywhere, Introvert/ Ambivert, Reader, Spiritual , always seeking relaxation, Loves family, friends, and my dog. Goals: write more, travel more, make more free time, retire with my sanity intact, writing to the end!

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Book Detail
Title Undercurrents in Time: Book 2 of the Detours in Time series
Author Pamela Schloesser Canepa
Publish Date 26, Jun 2018
Language English
Page Count 299
Cover Design Jonas M. Steger of Steger Productions