Writings of Rascoe
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Writings of Rascoe

by Cam Rascoe
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Cam Rascoe
United States4 Books
Crime Fiction Thriller Action & Adventure Contemporary Romance New Adult Romance Romance Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Christian Fiction African American Interest Teen & Young Adult General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality Parenting True Crime more»

Master of a Dying Art

Born a century too late, works of art of go unseen, left under praised, under paid. The world reads no more, the average attention span is far too short to endure the greatness of the weaving of the tale. Instant gratification they demand, in doing so they cheat themselves of an enriching experience. A button is pressed, immediately they feel emotions from images viewed. No control do they have over pace or absorption of detail. The story of the images are forced, quickly spoon fed and they choke it down, never digesting the true meaning of what they’ve just seen and witnessed. Reading is much more controlled and intimate. The movie is never better than the book, we once all knew this. Now to read is to punish for the lazy minds have taken over every society and nation. Can it be that it was all so simple then?

When reading you are the rewind, fast forward and slow motion. First you crack that spine then dog ear that page anxious to get back to that compelling, intriguing, exciting, horrifying, arousing form of edutainment we all once loved. Faces of characters form in your mind through the skilled descriptions offered by the dedicated author. You hold the book to your chest and look up at the ceiling imagining yourself in the scene you just read. Then you wonder what comes next or how will this all end? Hungry for more you dive back in.

Often do you reread a paragraph or chapter to gain greater understanding of its purposeful meaning. It is not a chore or burden to read it again, it’s a privilege. The greatest Blessing of attribute or ability the Lord has offered me is the aptitude to produce poignant prose for his people.

Years I have dedicated to my craft and art yet I fall short of labeling it my vocation or career because of lack of monetary success. Writing is not just what I do; it is my calling but my pay comes more in praise and appreciation than currency because of the form in which I create and the subject matters I choose. Debauchery delivers the dollars. The worse we are, the more this wicked world loves us, just give it to them fast, hard and raw. Diseased and dying is intellect in the domes of the dimwitted as this generation praises negativity and ignorance while scoffing at original creative thought displayed in its original form. Much of what I create today won’t be truly valued until my time here is done. I am strangely satisfied with that grim thought because to be Blessed with the ability to serve in this capacity fills my existence and offers me great purpose. I thank you Lord as I continue working towards mastering this beautiful art you’ve granted me.

So until I return to my Father’s Home I will continue to function in this fashion offering peace, knowledge and wisdom to his people. Cam Rascoe, one of the Masters of a Dying Art breathing life into her everyday I am Blessed to put my pen to the pad. Simply grateful am I for my gift, for I may not be a jack of many trades but I am learning to master one.

Master of a Dying Art

Book Detail
Title Writings of Rascoe
Author Cam Rascoe