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Final Grains of Sand
by David HarderPublish: Jul 01, 2018SuspenseChristian Fiction
Book Overview
When James Kreider receives the devastating news his life is being cut short with cancer, he is immediately filled with shock and disbelief. At 60 years, Jim is too young to die and believes he has a whole life ahead of him. When the reality of his impending demise sinks in, Jim methodically prepares for his final days, including trying to heal old wounds. With a dash of life’s regrets and unfinished business, Jim’s hours are spent pondering the legacy he will leave for his friends and children.
In preparing for the end, Jim selects five individuals to represent his life at the funeral service. This group includes Jim’s boss, his personal physician, a neighbor, the pastor of his church, and a woman whom Jim was involved with in a long-term affair. None of the individuals know each other or why they were chosen.
Summoned to the office of Jim’s attorney, the representatives disclose emotions and information few individuals want to hear. Reluctantly, they agree to share every facet of their friend.
Jim’s story not only transforms the five representatives but alters the lives of the funeral guests.
At the heart of Final Grains of Sand, this thought-provoking novel gives readers an opportunity to pause and reflect on the way they see others, as well as how they portray themselves to those around, and to help readers realize the value of one's life is less about the length of time, but rather how we touch other people through our actions and words.
BIOGRAPHY David Harder has been writing for more than twenty-five years. His novels are inspiring stories about individuals who influence their world in unique ways.
David grew up in southern California and served in the US Navy during the Vietnam conflict. For eight years, he lived and worked in Germany and traveled throughout Europe. Upon returning to America, he settled in northern California and during his career in the computer industry, David traveled the world for businesses with cutting-edge technologies in computer and data-storage. As part of his career, he wrote for trade journals and created marketing materials within the computer industry.
A graduate of San Jose College with a degree in business, David also studied at Santa Clara University towards a degree in international business.
David is a graduate of Vineyard Institute in biblical studies and leadership. He resides in the Prescott area of Arizona with his wife, Emily, and their border collie, Shiloh.
David Harder other Books
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Written with a nostalgic flair and with endearing characters, I found Final Grains of Sand one of the more poignant and surprising novels that I've ever read.
Book Detail
Final Grains of Sand
David Harder
Publish Date
01, Jul 2018
Ambassador Insternational
Page Count
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