The Bridge to Change: Mentoring Tools for Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and Counselors (Bridge the Gaps Book 2)
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The Bridge to Change: Mentoring Tools for Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and Counselors (Bridge the Gaps Book 2)

by Jonathan FrejustePublish: May 22, 2020General Nonfiction
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Advice & How To General Nonfiction

Jonathan Frejuste is the creator of TheBridege330, a program whose mission is to provide quality mentoring tools and resources to underserved, under-resourced, and vulnerable communities in ways that support sustained social change, a restoration of hope, and an avenue to emotional health.


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Book Detail
Title The Bridge to Change: Mentoring Tools for Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and Counselors (Bridge the Gaps Book 2)
Author Jonathan Frejuste
Publish Date 22, May 2020
Language English
Page Count 355