Senior Wonders: People Who Achieved Their Dreams After Age 60
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Senior Wonders: People Who Achieved Their Dreams After Age 60

by Karen PepkinPublish: May 03, 2015
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General Nonfiction Cooking

I am a retired special education consultant. I am an author of 2 cookbooks, The Best 50 Muffins and The Best 50 Scones. I also aco-authored 2 books with Wendell C. Taylor:
Senior Wonders: People Who Achieved Their Dreams After Age 60 and
Booster Breaks: Improving Employee Health One Break at a Time
I am also an artist and have a shop on Etsy: Allkindsacraftsklp

Book Detail
Title Senior Wonders: People Who Achieved Their Dreams After Age 60
Author Karen Pepkin, Wendell Taylor
Publish Date 03, May 2015
Language English
Page Count 129