by Tranise JenkinsPublish: Aug 30, 2022Christian NonfictionReligion & Spirituality
Book Overview
A little girl is very sick and starts to believe in a higher power to get healed. When she starts to believe in her faith in Jesus, she knows she has been healed and wants to Praise the Lord and is very thankful for what he has done.
BIOGRAPHY Tranise Jenkins is the writer of Children short story book "My Best Friend Snuff" and "Meowsers". She grew up in Chambersburg, PA.When she was just 3 years old, she got her 1st pet, a border collie named Snuff(which the book "My Best Friend Snuff" is named after.) Unfortunately "Snuff" had to be put down due to turning mean after choking on a chicken bone. While she currently does not have her own pet, she enjoys walking up to numerous dogs in public and petting them, and also babysits her neighbors dogs from time to time.