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Kathleen McKee

Kathleen McKee

Mystery Historical Fiction Women's Fiction
      • Kathleen McKee Kathleen McKee 4 years ago
      • Reading was my favorite hobby as a child. In fact, I remember telling everyone that one day I would write a novel. That "one day" became a distant dream as I was immersed in my studies and career. Finally retired, I made the decision to begin writing seriously. I loved the challenge and the pride that emerged as I worked to hone the craft of storytelling.
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      • Kathleen McKee Kathleen McKee 4 years ago
      • Of course, good spelling and grammar are critical elements. But, aside from those, I believe readers want to connect with the characters in a story. Descriptions aren't enough. How do they act or show emotion? What is the interaction among them? Dialog can make or break a character. Does it seem real? Does it bring the character to life? In addition, the story needs to move forward at every moment. Even back-stories need to be tethered to unite the book, as a whole. Weighty literary passages may speak poetically, but the typical reader wants action and resolution. I also like short chapters that climax with a nudge to read more. Write from the heart. It works every time.
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