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Sian Ceinwen

Sian Ceinwen

Contemporary Romance Romance Erotic Romance
      • Sian Ceinwen Sian Ceinwen 4 years ago
      • It's ultra-important. People DO just a book by its cover. My friend came up with the concept for the cover of The Album when I first started writing it in 2011. When I wanted to publish, I found a cover artist and said basically "just do exactly this with licenced pictures" and he came back with that, but also "here's another option" and it was a million times better.

        I said "okay, but I can't think of any way that the sequels could fit that and there's nothing better than what I've come up with,", to which Mark said, "hold my beer" and came back with an absolutely perfect set of covers for me. I think my point is that if your skills lie in writing books, not making covers, find someone who does have those skills and can do it for you.
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      • Sian Ceinwen Sian Ceinwen 4 years ago
      • Yeah, I'm completely guilty of this. I respond as much as I can to anyone who leaves a review. I've had a single one-star review and of course, I did the completely sane thing and PM'd the person to discuss it. She was very nice and gave me good feedback, explaining what she'd taken issue with (the review had been a bit vague).

        For the rest, I just comment on the review thanking the person for leaving it because I appreciate people taking the time to write a review for me, whether it's good or bad. I've also had good discussions with people and chosen advance readers for the rest of the series from people who have left reviews of The Album.
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      • Sian Ceinwen Sian Ceinwen 4 years ago
      • It's both the most difficult but also the most enjoyable. I feel everything that my characters are feeling very intensely.

        *** KIND OF SPOILERS BELOW ***

        I wrote The Wedding in five weeks, for two of those weeks, I was straight up depressed whenever I needed to write. I would cry and was absolutely miserable and dreaded writing, but I also just had to keep going and get the story finished. I knew how it was going to end, I just needed to live through it with the characters to get there and that was SO incredibly hard.
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      • Sian Ceinwen Sian Ceinwen 4 years ago
      • I'm always worried about just being "women writing men" when I write the guys' perspective. I've done a chapter from each book from the hero's POV as a one-shot just to see how that particular chapter was for them. It's interesting, but yeah. I'm not a guy, and I do worry that I'm not giving an accurate portrayal. I just try to get in that character's head and be them as much as I can. I can't do more than that.
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      • Sian Ceinwen Sian Ceinwen 4 years ago
      • People liking what you've written and wanting to read more. Although, I suppose since I have that, it's probably just a matter of scale. I think, if I could quit my day job and just write books, that would be literary success for me.
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      • Sian Ceinwen Sian Ceinwen 4 years ago
      • I started writing the sequel to The Album right before I published it. I immediately freaked out, I'd had a group of advance readers read it and had gotten their feedback. They all were eagerly waiting for the sequel, but I'd taken TEN YEARS to write the first one. I just thought that I couldn't write another book that people would like.

        I made an Excel spreadsheet, mapped out the timeline of when everything happened. I also then made another spreadsheet with the outline for The Wedding. I knew it was going to take place over the course of a year, so I decided on how to structure it and kept track of the word count, etc. I was aiming for 86,000 words to match The Album, but it ended up being 122,000 words long.

        I'm now writing The Baby, and I've followed that same process with the Excel spreadsheet outline. It's very handy for me to keep track of it all and where I'm at with the book.
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      • Sian Ceinwen Sian Ceinwen 4 years ago
      • I've always told stories. When I was younger, I would spend hours telling my best friend stories that I made up in my head. I started and never finished several novels. I was inspired to write The Album by the song "Gives You Hell" by the All-American Rejects. I just loved the idea of the normal girl who had left the rock star and what had caused her to leave/for him to write that very angry song.

        The rest of the band came to life and I just knew that I wanted to do a series with a book for each band member. I loved the idea of being able to continue to follow the same characters throughout the series but not have it be a series just about the one couple.
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