Ask Larynn Ford a question

Larynn Ford

Larynn Ford

Paranormal Romance Fantasy
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Larynn Ford Larynn Ford 5 years ago
      • About half way into book three of my dream trilogy, the process stopped. Try as I might, I wasn't able to piece together a link from the middle to the end. I knew where I was going but the bridge to get there was nowhere in sight. A couple of months later, I attended a readers event at a library not too far from my home, spent some quality time with a few of my author friends, and sat in on a workshop or two. Listening to their stories and learning other writers experience the same setbacks and delays as I had made me feel I was not alone. Back at home, I opened the unfinished document and the flood gates opened. Living the Dream was finished in a few short weeks. I have no idea the exact part of the mini-conference that broke my block but I'm thankful for other writers and our common bond. So, how does one overcome writer's block? Relax, know that you are not alone, join a discussion group, bounce some ideas off each other, and never give up.
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