Ask Teresa Gabelman a question

Teresa Gabelman

Teresa Gabelman

Contemporary Romance Paranormal Romance
    • Judy J Magers Judy J Magers 4 years ago
    • Will you be writing a series on the dark guardians? Please at least give us Ravens & Chargers story! Will Charger & Raven be in any more of the Protector series? Thank you
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      • Teresa Gabelman Teresa Gabelman 2 years ago
      • Welp I'm a year late in answering this. I am so sorry Judy! I am not tech savvy and just figured out how to find messages. Yes, Raven and Charger are getting stories. LOL! Charger is already out and I am writing Raven right now which will release July 30. Again I am sooooo very sorry.
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      • Teresa Gabelman Teresa Gabelman 2 years ago
      • Welp I'm two years late in answering this. I am so sorry Isel! I am not tech savvy and just found that I get messages. Ugh! Yes Pam is out now LOL! Again I am so very sorry about this.
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    • Torrey holloway Torrey holloway 5 years ago
    • Hi there

      First i want to congratulate you on your success. God is good isnt he? But im wondering if you can share any tips, as I myself travels down the Road To Success?
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      • Teresa Gabelman Teresa Gabelman 2 years ago
      • Hello Torrey! Well I can't give you tips on answering messages obviously since I am two years late in answering this one. I am so very sorry. I am not tech savvy at all and just saw that I had messages which I didn't know I could get. Honestly I don't know how I got here. LOL!

        Thank you so much. God is very good and I am blessed in so many ways. My best advice is to never give up. Keep writing and follow your heart. Listen to your readers. Hear what they have to say. Every time I write the first thing I think of is that if it wasn't for readers I wouldn't be doing what I absolutely love. We can write words all day long, but readers make our words a book. Hope that makes sense. But seriously, my biggest advice is to keep writing even when you don't feel like you have anything to write. Good luck. I wish you all the success in the world!
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