Irial O'Farrell
Goodreads Author
business people, sports, anyone who has faced adversity and succeeded
Member Since
April 2012
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Irial O'Farrell
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Irial O'Farrell
rated a book it was amazing
Irial O'Farrell
rated a book it was amazing
Irial O'Farrell
rated a book it was amazing
Irial O'Farrell
rated a book it was amazing
Irial O'Farrell
rated a book it was amazing
Irial O'Farrell
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Irial O'Farrell
rated a book it was amazing
Finally “get” BookFunnel! Promoting books requires a lot of skills and one of them is figuring out what tech software does what and why I might need it. I’ve been hearing about BookFunnel for the last 3 years but could never really understood what it ...more |
Irial O'Farrell
rated a book it was amazing
Excellent Overview of the Writing Journey Easy to read & makes the relevant points very clearly. Definitely food for thought that I’m hoping will help me shape my own story |

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