Shay Jonez
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Member Since
January 2021
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Very good read Loved this story as it kept me on the edge. There was a moment there that I wasn't sure they were gonna work out but man I love how they love each other. Once they found it was so solid. ...more |
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Shay Jonez
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Welcome to the official Oprah's Book Club group. OBC is the interactive, multi-platform reading club bringing passionate readers together to discuss i ...more

If you love to read romance novels, or just read, and you like reading challenges, come and join this group. If you look at your TBR list and don't kn ...more

Are YOU an author? If so I am sure you are aware of how hard it can be to market your book successfully. There is so much you can do on to ...more

This group helps to bring Reviewers and Authors together! Reviewers can make their own thread to post their reviews in, or post their reviews in the r ...more

Welcome to Some Like It Hot!, a group for those of us who love to read and write romantic fiction. This group is a safe environment, where readers c ...more

Welcome to Black writers and Readers! So this group is for lovers of Africa American Writer and readers. Authors post your stuff and Readers show some ...more