Children often struggle with big feelings and emotions. It takes practice to have them regularly look outside of their own experience to see how their friends and peers are feeling.The Power of Kindness Through the Eyes of Children shows the rippling effect of how being empathic and kind can generate kindness to others. It demonstrates how each of us can help impact the world around us with simple acts every day.This book helps children understand they have the power to shape their daily interactions with others, as well as, recognize when someone needs their support, generosity, and kindness.The Power of Kindness helps children to understand that a kind word or act can change someone’s day when delivered at the right moment.In The Power of Kindness, Orbit and the children learn…“that no matter how big or small my action is, I can make a difference in the world.” Christopher age 8"What a great idea to recycle items to those in need.” Jaxon age 6“No act of kindness is wasted; just look at the little boy saving a worm.” Brandon age 6Grab your copy of The Power of Kindness Through the Eyes of Children and get access to the Kindness Matters song and other goodies from the Author's site.
Ruth Maille has owned and operated a daycare/preschool for 30+ years and a certified parent-relationship coach. Using the tools she acquired in both professions, she has had the privilege of helping many families.
Ruth is the author of the multiple award-winning books, The Power of Positivity, The ABCs of a Pandemic ( also available in Spanish ), The Power of Kindness Through the Eyes of Children, The Power Gratitude Unlocking Hidden Treasures, and most recently The Power fo Empathy Be the Friend You've Always Wanted. Her passion for writing comes from years of reading children's books in her personal and professional life. She is grateful for the opportunity to help children learn to use their imaginations to embark on make-believe adventures and hopes that her books will teach children lifelong values and inspire them to be anything they choose.
She enjoys traveling with her two sons, Evan and Scott and daughter Kendra, during her downtime, exploring new places, especially the great outdoors. Some of her favorite places to travel have been Alaska, Great Britain, and Italy. She looks forward to exploring The National Parks.
Kindness is simplified in the eyes of children. They are sensitive when kindness is shown to them however, they may struggle to show kindness to others because of choices that they make. This book emphasis on choice.
A globe comes to school named Orbit (which is significant because kindness is felt everywhere) and ask the students what kindness is. It is important to know what is and how it is felt and the second part of the coin is spreading kindness thru choice.
This is a great topic for both parents and children because it deals with intentionality. It also is good to look at the world thru a child's eyes.
A special thank you to Books Go Social and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.
I read this book via an Amazon KU [KINDLE Unlimited] download.
Reading this book brought back memories of one of the first books I had reviewed just over eight years ago, on February 20, 2014. The award-winning book was A Lesson My Cat Taught Me by author Saul Weber. The message of the book's lesson deals with the acceptance of others for who they are and not what they are.
Like the book I had reviewed, this endeavor by Ruth Maille is designed to provide children with the knowledge that their kind words can transform the day of someone who might be suffering from some ailment, etc. Children need to comprehend they possess the capacity to influence dealings with their peers and distinguish whether their backing, generosity, and compassion are needed.
Essentially, this comes down to what we're told in LUKE 6:31 [NLT]:
"Do to others as you would like them to do to you."
And MATTHEW in 7:12 [NLT] states the same thing in this manner:
"Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets."
For wanting her young readers to realize that they can make a difference in someone else's life by merely projecting kindness whenever they interact with their peers, my inner child and I are happy to give Ms. Maille 5 STARS for her endeavor here.
A group of kindergartners spend time discussing kindness. What is it? Where do we see it? How can we choose to be kind? The kids have a wide variety of answers about seeing kindness at school, at home, and in their communities. The specific examples of kindness are very valuable for young readers! Instead of kindness being an abstract concept, they can recognize situations from their own lives where they either experienced kindness or could offer kindness.
The story is accompanied by bright, vivid illustrations that will help kids stay engaged with the story. There is a song included as well as a breathing exercise to help kids feel calm and focused so they can choose kindness. This would be a good circle time read for pre-K and early elementary and would be a nice addition to school and classroom libraries.
Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review!
What does it mean to be kind to someone? How do I know if someone is being kind to me? This small book answers these questions by demonstration in brightly colored illustrations. This book is perfect for younger children and well suited to persons displaced from their homeland and native languages. Very well done! I requested and received a free temporary e-book copy from BooksGoSocial via NetGalley. Thank you!
This was a cute little book of pictures and I would love for my children to read it! I wish I would have thought of the concept myself actually. Kindness is important!
This book was entered in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards. This is what our readers thought: Title: The Power of Kindness Author: Ruth Maille
Star Rating: 4 Stars Number of Readers: 15 Stats Editing: 8/10 Writing Style: 7/10 Content: 7/10 Cover: 5/5
Of the 15 readers: 11 would read another book by this author. 15 thought the cover was good or excellent. 14 felt it was easy to follow. 11 would recommend this book to another reader to try. Of all the readers, 2 felt the author’s strongest skill was ‘plotting a story’. Of all the readers, 6 felt the author’s strongest skill was ‘developing the characters’. Of all the readers, 7 felt the author’s strongest skill was ‘writing style’. 11 felt the pacing was good or excellent. 11 thought the author understood the readership and what they wanted.
Readers’ Comments “I enjoyed three of this author’s books and this was the best. The message of ‘kindness’ jumps out from every page and is complimented by the illustrator’s superb skills.” Literacy Co-ordinator, aged 52 “I liked how Orbit visited the children to chat with them about kindness. We chatted about it too after we have finished reading the book. It’s important to be kind so that’s a good message.” Boy, aged 7 – with a little help from his teacher “It’s not the most exciting story, but I think it’s a good book for a school library. It would help children to understand what kindness is and how to show it.” Girl, aged 8 – with a little help from her mum “As with all the books in this set, the focus is on message. So, for a school looking for books to help them in promoting (in this case) kindness, they are excellent. The writing is accessible, the message is put across simply, and the artwork is excellent. I think if the author ever added a little humour, they would be top class.” Primary school teacher, aged 36
To Sum It Up: ‘A superbly illustrated picturebook promoting ‘kindness’ to young children. A FINALIST and highly recommended!’ The Wishing Shelf Book Awards
Prepare to be enchanted by The Power of Kindness: Through the Eyes of Children by Ruth Maille, where Orbit's mission to spread love and compassion captivates readers from start to finish. Orbit's journey commences in a kindergarten classroom, setting the stage for an inspiring exploration of what it truly means to be kind.
As you flip through the pages of this heartwarming book, you'll find yourself drawn into Orbit's world through stunning illustrations that breathe life into every moment. It's not just a story; it's a delightful adventure where readers of all ages learn new ways to embrace kindness and empathy. Orbit's lessons on staying calm and thoughtful during challenging decisions are invaluable pearls of wisdom that every child can carry with them through life.
One of the most touching aspects of The Power of Kindness is its conclusion, where the author thoughtfully includes quotes from children across the nation, offering diverse perspectives on what kindness means to them. These quotes serve as powerful reminders that kindness knows no boundaries and can touch the lives of children everywhere.
This book educates, inspires, and empowers young readers. The Power of Kindness: Through the Eyes of Children is a literary gem that leaves an indelible mark, reminding us all of the incredible impact a simple act of kindness can have. Whether you're a child or an adult, this book is a treasure trove of lessons and inspiration that will warm your heart and leave you believing in the power of kindness.
The Power of Kindness Author-Ruth Maille Illustrator-Pencil Master Studio Children’s Picturebook 36 Pages
In The Power of Kindness, Orbit, who is an adorable talking globe, teaches young children about kindness, explaining that it is a choice.
When Orbit asks the children where they see kindness in their lives, he gets some heartfelt answers. The children share which gives real kids examples of kindness as a choice.
The illustrations are absolutely adorable! I love the kids’ big beautiful eyes. 👀 Emotion radiates from them. The colors jump right out of the pages. I am a picky picturebook person. The illustrations are what typically draw me to the book. This is one I’d snatch up in a heartbeat. 💜
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What a great book Ms Maillie to write in a pandemic to still show kindness is still alive no matter our circumstances. It was well illustrated by Mr Mehra and very colorful. My granddaughter and I enjoyed it very much, and we often talk about being kind in a world of stress and inflation. I recommend this book to parents to remind their kids to be kind no matter what because people live in fear when they aren’t sure what will happen next in their lives. I gave this book five stars because it instills kindness and love no matter what!👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏
The Power of Kindness is a great book to introduce the concept of kindness to young children in a way they will understand. Its a nice way to see the young children dissucsing this development stage in a book and good to see a range of different answers to the questions posed. This story is accompanied by bright images which helps children keep enanged on the story. My little boy really enjoyed the breathing exercise and this book would be great for ks1 or younger.
This book is about kindness in general but what I really liked are all the examples given to illustrate what kindness looks like, inspired from exchanges with children. It is a great starter for engaging kids in a conversation about what kindness means for them in their own environment, family and friends. The illustrations are also nice and very colourful, with friendly and happy faces. A lovely little book.
Her ability to take such an important act, like Kindness and make showcase it in an honest, meaningful and easy to understand perspective is truly wonderful!
We do not, as adults, always see how a child is being kind in their own way. Ruth is able to depict this with her lovable character Orbit and his friends.
I truly believe this book belongs in every kindergarten classroom!
What an inspiring Book for young kids. The book has lots of ideas on different ways to be kind with beautiful messages from other children about ways they show kindness. Great message to teach kids and good questions at the end. Great for families and classrooms!
I loved this book. I have a two and a half year old and this book was perfect to read to him. He's at the age where explaining kindness and being nice is soooo important. Toddlers have huge feelings that are difficult to navigate so I think a book like this is important to read to them and read often. I'll be keeping it handy as a reminder of how we can be kind to others.
Positively encouraging and adorable! I enjoyed the fact that it came from the heart of children and how they are impacted to make kindness a CHOICE in their lives. Beautifully illustrated and interactive for kiddos to dialogue during and post-reading.
very cute and adorable read. Only after my teenage days was over I personally started being a kind human. One's entire live would be a lot different if they start being kind very early on. Lovely read for any child, blessed will be their lives.
The storyline was cute but very heteronormative and nuclear family oriented. In a world with a variety of family formations I would hope the author recognizes that not all children have grandparents to spend time with, and not all children have both a mommy and a daddy.
Great read. My kiddos loved it and started to implement some of the kindness in their play they even followed the kids example and saved a worm in the puddle when we went for a neighborhood walk.
I read this with my 9 year old son tonight. We both loved it. The illustrations are absolutely gorgeous! He loved the character “Orbit.” I would definitely buy and share this book.
The Power of Kindness: Through the Eyes of Children is a thought provoking and inspiring book for children emphasizing that kindness is a choice. My grandson and I enjoyed the many different ways to spread kindness throughout the story. The illustrations are bright and well done. I love the storyline and am so happy to spread kindness sharing this well written book in my Little Free Library.
This is an amazing children's book, which has really cute characters, simple and easy to read text, and beautiful graphics. The teachings of the book are all about kindness, such as what it means to be kind, and ways in which we can be more kind to others. The book is really fun, and my daughter loved it. This is a book that I will read with her a lot. Thankyou!
Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I liked this book, very cute and important for little minds. This book is particularly valuable in teaching young minds how to be kind to one another and understanding basic kindness, how we can choose kindness and how people can be kind to us, as well as teaching and showing others how to be kind to us. Most of all the thing I love about this book is it explains that being kind a choice, we choose to do it and I think we need to instill that in children from an early age.
Often children can listen to us telling them about things they should know but with Orbit, the talking globe. Not only are the answers from children brilliant but so are the illustrations which are positively heartfelt, what a wonderful book to write mid pandemic,
Many thanks to netgalley for the free ARC in return for my review.