Batoul I. Ajlouni

Goodreads Author

in Amman, Jordan


Member Since
December 2020

Batoul Ajlouni is an architect, entrepreneur, and business executive with thirty years of experience in fifteen of the world’s toughest markets. Co-founded her company at twenty-four, before serving as VP for Business Development at a leading IT firm, helping it grow into a multinational corporation. A prominent businesswoman engaged in activities and public speaking events on design, business, technology, and women and youth empowerment. Also, an active board member at Jordan’s premier Society for the Conservation of Nature. Batoul works from her home in Amman, Jordan where she lives with her husband.

Average rating: 4.23 · 35 ratings · 16 reviews · 1 distinct workSimilar authors
Ditching Success?: Discover...

4.23 avg rating — 35 ratings — published 2021 — 2 editions
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Quotes by Batoul I. Ajlouni  (?)
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“That desk had just been sitting there alone, for years, waiting for me to relieve it from its solitude and become its new best friend.”
Batoul I. Ajlouni, Ditching Success?: Discovering Life Beyond the Corner Office

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