Jeanna  Louise Skinner

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Jeanna Louise Skinner

Goodreads Author




Member Since
November 2012

Jeanna Louise Skinner writes romance with a sprinkling of magic. Her debut novel "The Book Boyfriend" is out in 2021 and she is working on a prequel. She has CRPS and ADHD and she is passionate about writing about people underrepresented in Romance, especially those with disabilities and chronic health conditions. She's also the co-creator of @UKRomChat, a much-lauded, Romance-centric live Twitter chat. She lives in Devon with her husband, their two children and a cat who sounds like a goat. ...more

Popular Answered Questions

Jeanna Louise Skinner That time when I googled my full name, Jeanna Louise Skinner and found an obituary for a lady with the EXACT same name as me. It's not exactly commonp…moreThat time when I googled my full name, Jeanna Louise Skinner and found an obituary for a lady with the EXACT same name as me. It's not exactly commonplace, is it? What freaked me out even more was the lady's resemblance to some of my aunts. (less)
Jeanna Louise Skinner That's easy. A friend once asked me why her book boyfriends couldn't be real because they'd never let her down, unlike the actual real men in her life…moreThat's easy. A friend once asked me why her book boyfriends couldn't be real because they'd never let her down, unlike the actual real men in her life. Jonathan popped into my head almost instantly. (less)
Average rating: 3.9 · 345 ratings · 107 reviews · 3 distinct worksSimilar authors
The Book Boyfriend

3.73 avg rating — 262 ratings — published 2021 — 6 editions
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Flowers For You: Mother's D...

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