Colleen Driscoll

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Colleen Driscoll

Goodreads Author

Member Since
October 2014

Average rating: 4.67 · 3 ratings · 2 reviews · 14 distinct works
Eddie and the Dinosaur Egg

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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Flora Finds Fall

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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Piper the Elf Trains Santa

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 1 rating — published 2012 — 3 editions
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Piper the Elf and Santa's R...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings2 editions
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Buddy's Special Mission

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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Piper the Elf Rides a Reindeer

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings2 editions
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Herbie the Hairy Monster

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings2 editions
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Piper the Elf's Big Surprise

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings4 editions
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Mommy, I Need a Hug

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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Grandma, I Need a Hug

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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The Emotion Thesa...
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Colleen Driscoll rated a book really liked it
Death by Sample Size by Susie Black
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Death by Sample Size by Susie Black is an original book that takes the reader into the fast-paced lifestyle of L.A. fashion, specifically the swimwear industry. Though I don't know much (really anything) about the fashion business, the story shows th ...more
Colleen Driscoll rated a book it was amazing
Hunting Hannah by C. B. Clark
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Hannah has a difficult secret when she meets her brother Peter in Renton Falls, British Columbia for a magazine story to research for her job. Pretending all is well as Hannah and Peter travel to an excavation site of the Keyoh village, she suppresse ...more
Colleen Driscoll rated a book really liked it
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The Pacific Odyssey story begins with bad luck following Lew, a tech guru on top of the world. After he loses his job, his luck begins to change, or so it seems. Lew starts a business centered out of Amazia, a small unknown country in Asia. The busin ...more
Colleen Driscoll rated a book it was amazing
Shifting into Shadows by Zanna Archer
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I enjoyed this second book in the Shape-Sisters trilogy. The author Zanna Archer skillfully presented depth to Libby and Dash's characters. The plot where the antagonist Alexandros was set to expose and destroy all shape-shifters was original and had ...more
Colleen Driscoll rated a book it was amazing
Periphery by A.A.  DaSilva
by A.A. DaSilva (Goodreads Author)
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Periphery by AA DaSilva is an action-packed compelling story mixing romance and sci-fi. After Charlotte (Charly) loses who military husband, Jared, in a car crash, her heart stops for a brief time while the EMTs work on her and bring her back to life ...more
Colleen Driscoll rated a book it was amazing
Undercover In Silicon Valley by Donna Del Oro
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Undercover in Silicon Valley by Donna Del Oro is an intriguing novel that had me hooked from the first page to the end. The captivating plot is so realistic—Middle-East terrorists plotting massive destruction throughout the U.S. around the Thanksgivi ...more
Colleen Driscoll rated a book it was amazing
The Girl from Oceania by Jana Keir
The Girl from Oceania
by Jana Keir (Goodreads Author)
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The Girl from Oceania by Jana Keir is a compelling dystopian novel that had me turning the pages until the end.

I had many questions in the beginning few chapters, but as I read further, I was very intrigued with the plot. I know giving too much backs
Colleen Driscoll rated a book it was amazing
Death by Midnight by Nicole  Nadeau
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Death by Midnight by Nicole Nadeau is a YA thriller that sets your heart racing from the beginning through the end. Though this book is listed as a Young Adult, I would gladly read the next book in the series as an older adult because the plot is so ...more
Colleen Driscoll rated a book it was amazing
Dangerous Descent by Evie  Jacobs
Dangerous Descent
by Evie Jacobs (Goodreads Author)
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Buckle Your Seatbelts for a Stormy Flight!
Dangerous Descent is a unique romantic suspense story, and I really like how Evie Jacobs incorporates airlines and pilots into the plot. While undercover FBI agent Eric Erickson seeks revenge for his dad’s de
Colleen Driscoll rated a book it was amazing
Shiftless In Sheboygan by Zanna Archer
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Zanna Archer sets the bar high in paranormal romance with Shiftless in Sheboygan, the first book in the Shapesisters series. When shape-shifter Anomaly Steffi Anbruzzen loses her ability to shift, the specialized organization designated to help shift ...more
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Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more

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