Dreaming Dreams Trilogy Adult Fantasy Fiction (Inspirational) Humanoid robots made life meaningless. Death is the only choice. Until it isn’t. In the 4th Millennium, a twenty-year-old Adam finds himself dejected with his life of endless monotony under the oppressive rule of the Plakerols in his homeland, Novana. His people suffer under AI domination, existing on ‘free stuff’ – but with no purpose. The Plakerols have destroyed all things natural and stripped Novanians of every characteristic that makes them uniquely human. On the brink of self-destruction, he is presented with the choice of leaving the utter nothingness of Novana with the chance at a better future. He grapples with the decision of trusting his fate to the promises of a newcomer he’s never met, or accepting his tortured existence in Novana. One decision will see him thrown into a web of romance, corporate power struggles, and corruption. Throughout his thirty-year journey of self-discovery with his wife and soul-mate Tariana — on the three moons of the magical, rogue planet of Tao – Adam navigates a fantastic new world of gurus, creatures, and conflict with dangers lurking around every corner.
In his obsessive quest for power and position, Adam seeks false purpose as he struggles to find balance in the irreconcilable demands of his professional and personal life. Everything changes when Adam, on the edge of an abyss of emptiness, escapes death’s clutches. He finds himself answering to a higher calling. Life has new meaning. Happiness is within his grasp – but can he grab hold before he loses everything?
This is a space fantasy with some elements of drama and fantasy.
Plot. Rating 4 The plot explores the life of the main character from his sad starting position to the final twist at the end of the book. It was interesting for me to follow Adam's life, his struggle with external and internal obstacles. Although the plot is quite straightforward, nevertheless, a series of travels, as well as dramatic doubts, mistakes and torments of the protagonist, made the plot attractive and unpredictable. Along with Adam, a decent number of secondary characters have their own little plots. They are also interesting to varying degrees.
Characters. Rating 5 Adam is an imperfect, well developed character. He learns from his mistakes for most of the book. The contradictions between Adam's personal and public affairs are well shown, and how he copes with them. The book has both fantastic and realistic characters. From the first, I liked Malaika and Roshi, from the second, Adam's wife, some of his colleagues and clients. The love-family relationship between Adam and Tariana is shown in great detail, inspiring, emotionally and with unfailing moral kindness. The antagonist of the book and some of the negative characters are also drawn naturally.
Dialogues. Rating 4 They are on a good level. There are various types of dialogues in the book: love, friendship, official, action-packed, etc. All of them reflect the personalities of the characters and their desires. The kind of mild humor is also well built into the dialogues.
Writing style. Rating 5 The first-person style of narration is great because it intimately and sympathetically conveys all of Adam's problems to the reader. Also in the book there are several chapters on behalf of Adam's wife and the main antagonist. They allow you to look at history a little differently. In general, the writing style is easy to read and understand.
Worldbuilding. Rating 5 The book has various fantastical and fantasy creatures made with great imagination. For example, in the initial and main location. I also felt great worldbuilding in the areas of technological inventions, corporate structure and personnel, corporate infighting, and the original worlds that the hero visited. I would also include in this paragraph a huge moral foundation, which is firmly established and studied in detail throughout the book.
Conclusion. Overall rating 5 The book is a fusion of several genres, written in an optimistic style and is a source of positive emotions.
Praise for Jack Tymann’s Adam in Taoland- an engaging book set in the future that seamlessly brings the reader to their current self.
The story upholds the potential of the human spirit and demonstrates the power that love has when given selflessly, time and time again. It brings the reader to the three different Moons of the planet of Tao movingly and passionately. The chapters, text complexity, and length of the book make this an enjoyable read for readers who don't usually engage in the science fiction/fantasy genre.
This book is more than a story about searching for meaning in one’s life. The author skillfully draws you into the story, where you become Adam feeling all of his emotions as your own. Adam drives the story, but the real story is about the character - learning to be selfless and think of others while dealing with the quest for power and prestige. At the end of the book, the reader is challenged to discover if love, faith, and hope can grow in chaos and dismal circumstances. Although I am not a science fiction fan, I found myself “dreaming dreams” of what's to come in Book II, “Homeland Rescued.”
I received a free ARC of this book and am leaving a review voluntarily.
The creativity in this book is impressive. I adore the worldbuilding. I rarely find a book that crosses fantasy and sci fi well but this one absolutely does and neither one feels out of place. I wanted to know more!
The main character is probably the weakest aspect of this book but I don’t want you to think that means they’re bad. Because they’re not. You are immediately introduced to their strife and the author effectively makes you feel for them within a few pages. I like him fine. I just wanted a bit more uniqueness to his personality.
The conflict in this story is a great one. I love stories that explore the producer of creativity, free will and what makes a meaningful life. You’ll love exploring it.
Definitely a unique book and one worth giving your time to explore!
An amazing read. Superb story-telling, great characters, and most importantly dozens of important life messages throughout. A mixed genre — something in this book for everybody searching for their real purpose.
The first in the trilogy. A science fiction story told in another dimension over decades in time. Consists of 46 chapters, 365 pages. Slower paced due to the world and character building.
The attention to detail in the dialogue, imagery, and development of Adam was in depth and thorough, as we follow through him the life lessons that he learned overtime from his hardships, battles, and adversities.
There is a large section of world building and as a result you are introduced to new things such as species, environments, and the societies that come with it. However, when taking a deeper dive, it reflects our current world's perspective on what life should be. It has moments of self-reflection, humor, love, betrayal, and important advice about life all packed in this one science fiction story.
Adam is established as a man who comes from a land where humanity has been ripped away by the autonomy of robots, providing them with everything they could ever need, but never lets them explore and become true to their existence. They live in a stagnant, flat environment, where nothing ever grows, changes, or develops to become better. Almost leading to Adam’s demise, a brief, but shining light came into existence. Though questioning it at first, this angelic being brought him on a new path towards enlightenment, an endless quest of soul-searching, and truthfully, what it means to be human. That we make mistakes, learn from them, have flaws, wants, needs, and at the end of the day, a life purpose.
I liked that each moon and environment had its respective and established characteristics, residents, and way of living. It was done with care and not just to have a variety of different types of humans, but to represent something greater.
As the decades progressed in time, we realize that Adams previous home has deeply rooted in his flaws. Being taught from birth that one's purpose in life is based on the success in work and rank, in the pursuit of approval from others. This is not what he was supposed to find on Taoland, such as love, compassion, respect, and himself. He never changed from his past and this affects his future. But as he went through hardships, challenges, and struggles, he begins to realize these values, and what they mean to him.
Bogart, his lifetime nemesis, was provided one job in his life, to make sure that he never reaches his potential. I feel his character was multidimensional. He was not just the generic “I am an antagonist who is just designed to destroy the protagonist”. We had a full perspective on what it meant to be envious of someone, to have ill will in their heart, and the consequences that follow.
My favorite part about the story was the gurus and guides. We have them inside ourselves and outside, both spiritually and physically. They teach you how to be, and it is your job to make the best of the tools they equipped you with. Adriellas and Malaika's sole purpose in the story was to do as such, following every major milestone in his life. Through marriage, hardship, finding who he is meant to become, and what he is and what he is not, spoke to me. We go through our entire life with this mission: to find out why we are on this earth and through the three Taoland moons we find just that.
The circle of life is long, but rewarding in the story and is indeed a book I will hold dearly in my heart. I loved reading this story and the journey it takes you on about self-introspection and the introduction of what it means to be alive.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Book Name: Adam in Taoland: Dreaming Dreams I Author: Jack Tymann and Ayesha Abdul Ghaffar Genre: A multi-genre, intergalactic-science-fiction/fantasy story with elements of space opera, planetary romance, fantasy, and family drama.
Plot: 5/5 World Building: 5/5 Setting: 5/5 Characters: 5/5 Point of view: 5/5 Theme: 5/5 Style: 5/5 Conflict: 4/5 Dialogue: 5/5 Tone: 5/5 Narrative structure: 5/5
The intergalactic science fiction-fantasy novel "Adam in Taoland: Dreaming Dreams I" by Jack Tymann and Ayesha Abdul Ghaffar is a rewarding journey of self-reflection and introspection. The story follows Adam, a character from a world where robots have taken over and humanity has been stripped away. The book is rich in world-building and explores themes such as the pursuit of success and approval, envy, and self-introspection.
The book's strengths lie in its attention to detail in dialogue and character development. The authors have crafted multi-dimensional characters with distinct voices, which makes the dialogue well-crafted and engaging. The journey that Adam takes is intriguing, and the book's antagonist, Bogart, provides a compelling perspective on envy and its consequences.
The world-building is impressive, with a well-crafted dystopian universe that draws the reader in from the beginning. The species and environments are vividly described, which helps to create a vivid and immersive setting. Moreover, the role of gurus and guides in the story emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and finding one's purpose.
However, the book's pacing can be slow at times, which can affect the reading experience. Some of the plot points felt predictable, and the conflict could have been more pronounced. Additionally, while the character development was strong, some characters were underdeveloped and could have benefited from more attention.
Overall, "Adam in Taoland: Dreaming Dreams I" offers a positive perspective on humanity, with a well-crafted universe, relatable characters, and engaging story. However, readers should be aware of its pacing issues and predictable plot points. In conclusion, I would recommend this book to readers of science fiction and fantasy who enjoy thought-provoking stories with strong world-building and character development.
A science fantasy novel with a decidedly philosophical bent, Adam in Taoland explores the perennial question of what makes us human. Jack Tymann's seeming answer -- that it is our spirit, not our form -- resonates with me. Adam begins his existence on Novana, in a form quite recognizable as human. However, it is not until he journeys beyond that he truly discovers his humanity.
The vehicle used for Adam's journey was a bit of a mixed bag for me as it was not well-aligned with my own personal tastes. I'm not a big fan of romance or tales of the business world, both of which weighed heavily in the storyline. I'm sure there are many readers out there who will enjoy this book a good deal more than I flavorwise. I did have a deep appreciation for the the employment of mentors/gurus throughout Adam's time in Taoland and the contingent message that in order to grow we must be continuously listening and learning.
Adam in Toaland is a very imaginative novel whose story line is set in the future, year 3266. This setting allows the author to utilize his imagination and create fantastical characters that deal with the heavy social issues of today. The books primary focus highlights everyman’s quest to weed through the confusion of societies emphasis on material success verse what their TRUE purpose is in life. Reading this in my 50s, I was able to relate to Adam’s journey and who he eventually becomes at the end of Book. After finishing the book, I had to order more copies for my sons as they start their career paths. I look forward to hearing their perspectives on Adams decisions that will hopefully resonate and guide them on their journeys thru life. Hats off to Jack Tymann for writing a book whose message will stand the test of time.
I was most intrigued with the concept of the fifth dimension as the setting for this story. The book kept me engrossed in the details of the life of Adam. The interaction of his learning his own feelings, trusting his gut, the many facets of love and life, and being able to stand up for what he believed in. There were many valuable life lessons in this story. I look forward to continuing the adventures of Adam.
I loved this. book, never have I seen so many topics all combined together! The lessons learned are so valuable, the humor is grounding, and Adam's journey is almost mythical in his arch. The supporting characters, all interplanetary, all unusual, and all magical represent different viewpoints to see life as a celebration of our difference and our "same-ness"
An incredibly magical tour of other worlds. Integrity, Compassion, Adventure, Dreams and Love. Many life lessons are woven throughout these wonderous pages. I tensed in sections, cried towards end, reviewed my life I spent in the corporate chasm, if you are in it, this book is for you! The writer is immensely talented in his gift/talent of words. Bravo, now how soon before next one is out??
I was so enthusiastic for this book and, of course, I didn't have a chance to get on. All-in-all I really enjoyed the book. I'll definitely be reading more by this author.
This is the book of the Dreaming Dreams Trilogy, the story follows the journey of a twenty years old Adam who was living a monotonous life in his county Novana where the humans have been oppressed by the race of super-intelligent humanoid robots but one day when he decided to end his life the fate gave him a choice to leave nothingness of Novana for the unseen world of planet Tao. Throughout his thirty-year journey of self-discovery with his wife and soul-mate Tariana - on the three moons of the magical, rogue planet of Tao - Adam navigates a fantastic new world of gurus, creatures, and conflict with dangers lurking around every corner.
It's the story of Adam and Tari where Adam came to plant Tao, got married to Tari, and build his career but his obsession to get power and position gives him a fake purpose in life. He couldn't be able to make a balance between his personal and professional life which ruined his life and stained his and Tari's relationship.
This book explores the dark side of the corporate world, friendship, supportive spouses, how we humans run for meaningless things, struggles and obstacles we face in our daily life, the mistakes we make and torments we go through, and how to search meaning and purpose of one's life. I like the writing style, it's easy to read, straightforward, eloquent, and understandable. If I talk about the characters, I love Tari's character (Adam's wife) she supports Adam unconditionally but at some point, I felt bad for her for not being treated the same way. I like Roshi's character too who was the first Guru of Adam.. cried a lot in the scene when Roshi died 😭 He was good. I adore the world-building the authors did a splendid job. Overall it's a good book and I'm looking forward to the second book of this Trilogy.