Steven LaBree

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Steven LaBree

Goodreads Author

Miami, The United States


Member Since
August 2021

Steven first published short-stories about his adventures through a national magazine. A South Florida native, he prefers hot weather and has a full wardrobe of cargo shorts, and T shirts. His first novel was crafted using human frailty, the reality of life, and true experiences although Steven has a tendency for hyperbole. He creates imaginary worlds of intrigue, desire, humor, and reflection of how perfectly imperfect life can be. He weaves stories understanding the simplicity of how people act and talk in everyday life; unpretentious, fallible, quirky, and honest. Human nature drives his characters, curiosity drives his story.

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Steven LaBree I have never had a block. I create a detailed outline and then essentially fill in the blanks. If you have a map, rarely will you get lost.
Steven LaBree Honestly, it's horrible and a truly tough job. There are rewards but the effort is huge and one could spend their time elsewhere and probably make a l…moreHonestly, it's horrible and a truly tough job. There are rewards but the effort is huge and one could spend their time elsewhere and probably make a lot more money. Write because you have to, not because you want to.(less)
Average rating: 4.56 · 27 ratings · 13 reviews · 2 distinct worksSimilar authors
A Heart Lies Within Us

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Cold Water Creek

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* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.


This is my latest mystery with a twist of the paranormal. I believe you will love it.

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Published on May 11, 2022 11:57
LeAnn and the Cle...
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Fate's Sweet Passion
by Patricia Crumpler (Goodreads Author)
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Behind Closed Doors [5-Chapter Sampler] by B.A. Paris
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Flash Flood by Susan Slater
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Steven LaBree rated a book it was amazing
Rollover by Susan Slater
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LeAnn and the Clean Man by Jeff Shaw
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