Jackie Kang

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748 books | 81 friends

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32 books | 18 friends

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Jackie Kang

Goodreads Author

in The United States


Member Since
March 2020

When not spending her time creating make-believe people and places, Jackie Kang lives in Kirkland, WA with her very real family of 1 husband, 2 dogs, and 3 children. In her past life, Jackie has held jobs as a personal trainer, a spa manager, a dental assistant, and an office manager, but her true love is writing and sharing a well-crafted story. Jackie is a member of the Women's Fiction Writers Association. ...more

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Jackie Kang When I have writer's block I'll dig up my old copy of William Kenower's Fearless Writing: How to create boldly and with confidence, I'll flip to a ran…moreWhen I have writer's block I'll dig up my old copy of William Kenower's Fearless Writing: How to create boldly and with confidence, I'll flip to a random chapter and read for a little while. This usually provides enough motivation for me to remember why I am writing. I am writing because I love it. This allows me the freedom to engage in the story I have in my head and to write it down fearlessly. (less)
Jackie Kang Right now I'm working on my next women's fiction novel entitled; The Flamingo Cafe, about a group of women who get stuck in a cafe during a Florida hu…moreRight now I'm working on my next women's fiction novel entitled; The Flamingo Cafe, about a group of women who get stuck in a cafe during a Florida hurricane. They must overcome their own prejudice and inner conflicts in order to survive and help those around them. I'm currently working on the 5 main characters, developing each one completely. I can't wait to share it with everyone very soon!(less)
Average rating: 4.53 · 32 ratings · 14 reviews · 2 distinct worksSimilar authors
Flamingo Café

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The Club

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* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.

Can You Keep a Se...
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by Sophie Kinsella (Goodreads Author)
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The Secret Wife
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by Gill Paul (Goodreads Author)
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Nantucket Sisters
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by Nancy Thayer (Goodreads Author)
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Jackie’s Recent Updates

Jackie Kang rated a book it was amazing
Buddah in the Attic by Julie Otsuka
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A room of one's own by Virginia Woolf
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How to Write Stunning Sentences by Nina Schuyler
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The Painting by Nina Schuyler
The Painting
by Nina Schuyler (Goodreads Author)
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Afterword by Nina Schuyler
by Nina Schuyler (Goodreads Author)
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Jackie Kang wants to read
The Translator by Nina Schuyler
The Translator
by Nina Schuyler (Goodreads Author)
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You Killed Me First by John Marrs
You Killed Me First
by John Marrs (Goodreads Author)
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The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon
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Jackie Kang entered a giveaway
The Romance Rivalry by Susan  Lee
The Romance Rivalry
by Susan Lee (Goodreads Author)
5 copies available, ends on April 07, 2025 Enter to win »
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1061068 The Well-Read Woman Book Club — 163 members — last activity Jan 14, 2021 02:34PM
*WRWBC is currently on hold and dormant until further notice due to low group participation. There is the possibility of reopening and posting should ...more

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