M. Marie Walker

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M. Marie Walker

Goodreads Author

in Detroit, The United States



Member Since
March 2016


M. Marie Walker is a multi-genre author who loves cats and dogs equally, is an avid reader of all things romance and a huge Marvel fanatic. She is the author of three books: My House, book 1, Broken Harmone: Book 2 of the My House Series & The Basement: Dark Past. When she's not reading, spending time with family, watching sports or playing board games. Other women may relieve stress with shopping therapy, but M. Marie chooses book therapy... and she will choose it over and over again.

Even though M. Marie is a natural introvert; she loves to communicate with the many wonderful readers who grace her with their presence in the form of warm comments, loving support, and endless encouragement.

Walker knows that the gift of writing has been giv

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M. Marie Walker Hmmm, that a good question
I had to think about this one for a minute. I would have to say the MC has something traumatic happen to them in their yout…more
Hmmm, that a good question
I had to think about this one for a minute. I would have to say the MC has something traumatic happen to them in their youth and they repress it.
As they grow into adulthood, they begin to have memory flashes of the past but not enough to put the pieces together. They know it's something horrible and they are scared to find out but they need to know so they go on a quest for the truth only to come face to face with the truth, and they realize it is much worse than they could have ever imagined.(less)
M. Marie Walker The house was eerily quiet, except for the faint sounds of tormented screams coming from the basement. I recognized the agonized voice as my cousin, …more The house was eerily quiet, except for the faint sounds of tormented screams coming from the basement. I recognized the agonized voice as my cousin, as I stumbled down the stairs to the sight of blood splatter across the walls, and my cousins' severed fingers in front of me.(less)
Average rating: 4.5 · 58 ratings · 41 reviews · 4 distinct worksSimilar authors
My House (My House Series, #1)

4.32 avg rating — 31 ratings — published 2021 — 5 editions
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The Basement: Dark Past

4.47 avg rating — 15 ratings — published 2022 — 3 editions
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Broken Harmone (My House Se...

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 12 ratings — published 2023 — 3 editions
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In the Shadows of Betrayal ...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — expected publication 2025
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Misdeeds of a Bil...
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Higher Demon
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by Louisa Masters (Goodreads Author)
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Mazzone Mafia: Th...
M. Marie Walker is currently reading
by Siobhan Davis (Goodreads Author)
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M.’s Recent Updates

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Misdeeds of a Billionaire by Eva Winners
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In the Shadows of Betrayal by M. Marie Walker
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Higher Demon by Louisa Masters
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M. Marie Walker rated a book it was amazing
Broken Harmone by M. Marie Walker
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M. Marie Walker rated a book it was amazing
The Basement by M. Marie Walker
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This book was a tough one to write. It has a lot of trigger warnings, including child abuse. Being a victim of child sexual abuse, certain parts were hard to write but I was determined to finish this book and share it with those who are able to read ...more
My House by M. Marie Walker
M. Marie Walker is now following
M. Marie Walker rated a book it was amazing
My House by M. Marie Walker
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My House is like my baby. I started with this book over twenty years ago, tweaking, rewriting. I poured my all into this and it has finally become a reality. It didn't feel real until I started seeing reviews like these on Amazon:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "I loved the s
M. Marie Walker is currently reading
Mazzone Mafia by Siobhan     Davis
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Quotes by M. Marie Walker  (?)
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“You don’t ever have to hide from me, Mike. I’ve seen the man behind the mask; the scared broken boy, the brave teen. I’ve seen your tears before and I’ve wiped every single one of them away.”
M. Marie Walker, Broken Harmone

“I'm a sick bastard?!" He spat. "You have an "on the down-low" son and a whore for a daughter and I'm the sick one? Oh no sweetheart, I think you need to reevaluate the situation. Your children are nothing to be desired. Now, stop trying to distract me with your nonsense, I have a promise to fulfill.”
M. Marie Walker, The Basement: Dark Past

“Since when did we become I.” He breathed out a frustrated sigh. “Look, whether the baby is mine or not, I’ll take care of it as if it were my own….. because I love you.”
M. Marie Walker, My House

“You don’t ever have to hide from me, Mike. I’ve seen the man behind the mask; the scared broken boy, the brave teen. I’ve seen your tears before and I’ve wiped every single one of them away.”
M. Marie Walker, Broken Harmone

“I'm a sick bastard?!" He spat. "You have an "on the down-low" son and a whore for a daughter and I'm the sick one? Oh no sweetheart, I think you need to reevaluate the situation. Your children are nothing to be desired. Now, stop trying to distract me with your nonsense, I have a promise to fulfill.”
M. Marie Walker, The Basement: Dark Past

“Since when did we become I.” He breathed out a frustrated sigh. “Look, whether the baby is mine or not, I’ll take care of it as if it were my own….. because I love you.”
M. Marie Walker, My House

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This January, I will be hosting a readalong of George Orwell's classic Animal Farm. Please do join in if you would like to read this book or learn a b ...more
1181262 Lord of the Flies Readalong #LordOfTheFliesReadalong — 321 members — last activity Jul 15, 2022 10:16AM
This February, I will be hosting a readalong of William Golding's classic Lord of the Flies. Please do join in if you would like to read this book or ...more
1182832 The Da Vinci Code Readalong #DaVinciCodeReadalong — 238 members — last activity Dec 07, 2022 11:54AM
This March, I will be hosting a readalong of Dan Brown's classic The Da Vinci Code. Please do join in if you would like to read this book or learn a b ...more
1185826 Of Mice and Men Readalong #OfMiceAndMenReadalong — 254 members — last activity Jun 06, 2022 04:50AM
This April, I will be hosting a readalong of John Steinbeck's classic Of Mice and Men. Please do join in if you would like to read this book or learn ...more
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This May, I will be hosting a readalong of Arthur Golden's classic Memoirs of a Geisha. Please do join in if you would like to read this book or learn ...more
1188332 Little Women Readalong — 205 members — last activity May 26, 2023 09:19PM
This June, I will be hosting a readalong of Louisa May Alcott's classic Little Women. Please do join in if you would like to read this book or learn a ...more
1189956 The Lovely Bones Readalong — 202 members — last activity Jul 12, 2023 10:03AM
This July, I will be hosting a readalong of Alice Sebold's classic The Lovely Bones. Please do join in if you would like to read this book or learn a ...more
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