Sally Crosiar

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Sally Crosiar

Goodreads Author

in LaSalle, IL, The United States


So many...Mary Stewart for sure!

Member Since
January 2016

Sally Crosiar (rhymes with ‘closure’) likes to read and write novels that delve into the messy, hopeful mix of inevitable conflicts that happen in every human relationship. People - what will they do?

Her latest novel, LOOK UP! departs from Sally's rural roots as Lee Hoffman seeks a fresh start away from Freedom, Iowa where she grew up. Ruby Abrams (friend and former co-worker of Vi from COME BACK) invites Lee to live with her family - husband, six-year-old twins, Rufus the dog, and a new baby on the way.

Healing is a major theme of all Sally's stories and in LOOK UP, Lee and her co-protagonist Matt see their own paths out of trauma while they also learn about race which neither has thought much about before. They haven't had to. Lee's smal

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Sally Crosiar Avonlea on Prince Edward's Island! L.M. Montgomery paints an idyllic setting that I'm aching to see. I once stood near Toney River on the northern sho…moreAvonlea on Prince Edward's Island! L.M. Montgomery paints an idyllic setting that I'm aching to see. I once stood near Toney River on the northern shore of Nova Scotia gazing across the Gulf of St. Lawrence toward PEI. I wished to be beamed up to that enchanted isle, but time and commitments thwarted my longing.

But. I. Will. Get. There. Soon!(less)
Sally Crosiar Sorry. Horror scares me!
Average rating: 4.16 · 798 ratings · 62 reviews · 7 distinct worksSimilar authors
Come Back

4.04 avg rating — 420 ratings2 editions
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Home Place

4.31 avg rating — 371 ratings2 editions
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Look Up!: A Novel

3.75 avg rating — 4 ratings
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Home Place

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 2 ratings — published 2020
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Love Builders: Powerful Val...

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating — published 2003 — 3 editions
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Find the Love of Your Life!

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2000
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My Uncle Dave

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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More books by Sally Crosiar…

Salutations February 2025

Whew! February went fast! Too fast for me to get this out before the lion opened March in our part of the world. Not surprising, right? February is shorter than other months, and it’s busy in our family! The holidays barely behind us, two birthdays in January, three in February, plus Valentine’s Day? It’s been non-stop celebration! And now do we pause, or do we keep celebrating every time the sun

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Published on March 02, 2025 11:47
Onyx Storm
Sally Crosiar is currently reading
by Rebecca Yarros (Goodreads Author)
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Look Up!: A Novel
Sally Crosiar is currently reading
by Sally Crosiar (Goodreads Author)
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There There
Sally Crosiar is currently reading
by Tommy Orange (Goodreads Author)
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A Drop in the Ocean by Jenni Ogden
A Drop in the Ocean
by Jenni Ogden (Goodreads Author)
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If you've got a taste for exotic locales, you'll love this story. I liked it but tired a tad as one travelogue morphed into yet another and at our protagonist's ongoing lack of confidence even after she should have earned some. Still, the romance of ...more
Sally Crosiar is currently reading
A Drop in the Ocean by Jenni Ogden
A Drop in the Ocean
by Jenni Ogden (Goodreads Author)
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Not Quite by the Book by Julie  Hatcher
Not Quite by the Book
by Julie Hatcher (Goodreads Author)
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I liked this and might have loved it except for what I saw as an excessive level of navel-gazing.
Sally Crosiar rated a book it was amazing
A Lady's Guide to Fortune-Hunting by Sophie Irwin
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This was one of the best Regency stories I've read since Georgette Heyer and Clare Darcy. They're still the masters of the genre, but Irwin's did a creditable job of emulating the best of them. ...more
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Not Quite by the Book by Julie  Hatcher
Not Quite by the Book
by Julie Hatcher (Goodreads Author)
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A Lady's Guide to Fortune-Hunting by Sophie Irwin
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One Day in December by Josie Silver
One Day in December
by Josie Silver (Goodreads Author)
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Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
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Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros
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Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
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“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—think about”
Sondra Kraak, Such a Hope

220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 275303 members — last activity 3 minutes ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more

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