Edward R. Flynn
Goodreads Author
The United States
Member Since
July 2023
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Edward Flynn
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Horror Aficionados
What was the first horror movie you ever watched and how old were you?
When I was a kid in the 1960s, we had Monster Movie Matinee on TV every Saturday Afternoon. I can't think of one particular movie that scared me thoug
Edward Flynn
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I studied and worked in the advertising industry for 30 years and during that time I never saw anything as effective in brainwashing people's mind as what social media and skewed mass media has been able to do within 15 years time. Social media and b ...more | |
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Nov 17, 2024 10:33AM
My Website is https://erflynn.art/the-ballad-of-sti...
The book is available on Amazon but this page features my expanded edition of the book that is a ...more " |
Edward Flynn
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Goodreads Authors/Readers
Post/View a Book Video/Trailer
Here's a trailer for my book "The Ballad of Stinky Pete." A satire of Politics, advertising and Courtroom sketching.
https://youtu.be/Giyu9dStQOw?si=19 ...more " |
Edward Flynn
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Goodreads Authors/Readers
Ideas: Where do you get them?
I get most of my comedy plotline inspiration from three places: Idiot politicians, my dog and my lovingly chaotic wife.
Edward Flynn
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The Ballad of Stinky Pete: A Sordid Sketchbook Tale of Courtrooms, Casino Goons, and Beauty Queens Gone Bad
How would you market this book to Comic Shops
Michael wrote: "Are you still offering review copies? My email is wont.getoverbooks44@gmail.com. I can read pdf and epub. I cannot download from Kindl
Edward Flynn
rated a book it was amazing
Edward Flynn
rated a book it was amazing

This group is dedicated to connecting readers with Goodreads authors. It is divided by genres, and includes folders for writing resources, book websit ...more

This is the official Goodreads group for the I Read Comic Books podcast. We're open to everyone who loves comic books! Each month group members may p ...more

If you love horror literature, movies, and culture, you're in the right place. Whether it's vampires, werewolves, zombies, serial killers, plagues, or ...more

Reviews are very important for Self-Published (SP), and Indie authors, just as they are for others. Unfortunately, though, many SP/Indie books don't g ...more

Officially 15k Members Strong & Climbing!! Building and supporting a community of self-published authors dedicated to both sharing experiences and le ...more

A celebration and conversation of all literature that is of the intelligent dark humor or satirical variety.

The book club for those who like to expand their reading tastes beyond the current fads and aims to introduce readers to great cult and obscure author ...more