CE Savage

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CE Savage

Goodreads Author

Pacific Northwest, The United States



Member Since
June 2024

Meet CE Savage- Contemporary Fantasy Romance Thriller Writer

CE Savage is a captivating storyteller from the Pacific Northwest who weaves magic into the fabric of everyday life. As a former Marine Captain, he has journeyed across continents, experiencing the thrill of adventure and the camaraderie of service. But it was the unseen realms that truly captured his imagination.

When he isn’t conjuring tales of love, danger, and enchantment, he dons an artist's hat, painting vivid landscapes that mirror the mystical worlds he envisions. And as a software developer, he codes intricate programs not unlike hidden spells waiting to be unlocked.

CE Savage’s belief in magic extends beyond the pages of his novels. He sees it in the way sunlight filters th

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CE Savage I'm currently working on editing Nexus Evolution, book two in the Nexus series. It's due for launch at the end of July!…moreI'm currently working on editing Nexus Evolution, book two in the Nexus series. It's due for launch at the end of July!(less)
CE Savage Mostly the characters I've created keep pushing me until I relent and write more about them. …moreMostly the characters I've created keep pushing me until I relent and write more about them. (less)
Average rating: 4.52 · 163 ratings · 8 reviews · 4 distinct worksSimilar authors
Nexus Foundation: Book One ...

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Nexus Rising: Book Two of A...

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Nexus Evolution: Book Three...

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Nexus Rebellion: Book Four ...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.

Nexus Book Three Release Next Week

Just finished uploading the final manuscript for Nexus Evolution the 3rd book in the Nexus series. It will be released on Amazon October 25th.

This book introduces some new allies and concepts in the Nexus universe and I'm very excited to see how it will be received. We learn more about the eternal battle between Light and Dark and about the forces arrayed on either side.
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Published on October 17, 2024 20:03
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A Clean Kill
CE Savage is currently reading
by Steven Konkoly (Goodreads Author)
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" I'm getting some great numbers on this one so far but no written reviews. If any readers out there have read it, I would really appreciate a review :- ...more "
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A Clean Kill by Steven Konkoly
A Clean Kill (Garrett Mann, #1)
by Steven Konkoly (Goodreads Author)
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" Francis wrote: "Feel free to add me too! :)"

Hi Francis! So nice to make your acquaintance! I'm new here so I'm really looking forward to meeting those
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality”
Lewis Carroll
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A Clean Kill by Steven Konkoly
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Lewis Carroll
“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality”
Lewis Carroll

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Welcome to Paranormal Romance! This group is for the discussion and recommendation of paranormal romances and paranormal erotic romance, along with ur ...more

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