Ted Halstead
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Member Since
January 2018
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As the lead invasion planner, Ding knew precisely how much redundant supply capacity had been built into the invasion fleet. It consisted of the ship that had just exploded.
For all of Chinese boasting of having the largest navy in the world in 2025, they lack A LOT of hard earned experience in amphibious operations. In the D-Day invasion, the allied had more transports than warships. They constructed the Mulberry harbors AND laid oil pipelines across the English channel just to support the army. Does the PLAN have that? Nope.
Ted Halstead
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Ding shook his head. "No. The DF-16s we launched yesterday seemed to have strengthened the enemy's will to fight, which was the opposite of the result we'd hoped to achieve. Besides, many more strikes and Taiwan won't be worth having."
Ted Halstead
Justin’s update
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Probably in the last few days, Ding thought. The hypocrites! It genuinely didn't occur to Ding that the PRC had also refused to sign the International Mine Ban Treaty. Or part with its stockpile of mines.
Ted Halstead
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"Let's see," Neda said thoughtfully. "Eggs, chopped scallions, cilantro, sweet soybean paste, and chili sauce. Those are the flavors I can identify, anyway."
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I’d like to think that Marine Le Pen will never be elected President of France, but with 41% in the 2022 elections, it’s hard to say it couldn’t happe
"A New Start
Ted Halstead is back with a new spinoff series. There are only three, four if you count Grishkov's wife Arisha, from the original Russian agent series. Same threats... rogue actors with nuclear devices. " |
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Ted Halstead
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Ted Halstead
rated a book it was amazing
A Must-Read, Outstanding Account Of A Life Well Lived What do I want in an autobiography? —An interesting life, with experiences I’ve not seen anywhere else. —Lived by someone capable of learning from those experiences, and passing on those lessons. —A ...more |
“An entire lifetime of indoctrination gave him reasons why he should ignore the success of the capitalist model. Ironically, it was his training as an intelligence officer that forced him finally to admit the obvious. The Chinese Communist Party had chosen to embrace capitalism because it worked.”
― The Second Korean War
― The Second Korean War
“North Korea bought its first dozen MiG-29s from Belarus in 1995, as the worst part of the Great Famine began, at a cost of nearly half a billion dollars. That would have been enough to feed every hungry North Korean man, woman, and child for two years. Estimates of Great Famine deaths ranged between two to three and a half million. As a result, these dozen MiG-29s had probably killed more people than any others in history, without firing a shot.”
― The Second Korean War
― The Second Korean War

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