Charles Gull

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Charles Gull

Goodreads Author




Member Since
January 2019

When not reading and reviewing books, I help indie authors on mutual critique platforms to improve their work.

As an indie author myself, I blend my experiences in advanced engineering and international sales to create fascinating BronzePunk worlds full of complex characters.

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Charles Gull Everyone is unique even, or perhaps especially, writers.

For me, the greatest pleasure comes long after my own involvement. It is about the response of…more
Everyone is unique even, or perhaps especially, writers.

For me, the greatest pleasure comes long after my own involvement. It is about the response of the reader.

If a top Chef writes a book of baking recipies, it is not the book that is important, it is all the cooks that bake the cakes. They don't want to hear feedback like 'Your book is very well written and the graphics are clear.", they want to hear "I baked your marmalade sponge cakes as a Birthday suprise and everyone loved it!"

All books are recipe books.

Authors are the Chefs and the readers are the cooks. The magic of story telling doesn't happen when we write. It happens when others read. It is the magic of how utterly diverse people, who might first read the story centuries after it was written, can be instantly transported to exactly the world we imagined.

The best thing about being a writer is when I hear "I read your story and suddenly I was there! Right there, in the middle of everything that was happening!". This is when I let myself smile in satisfaction, knowing that I wrote a great recipe.(less)
Charles Gull Writer's block is just that, a block in your writing flow. It can have many causes, but the result is the same. No creative writing comes out.

I consid…more
Writer's block is just that, a block in your writing flow. It can have many causes, but the result is the same. No creative writing comes out.

I consider myself fortunate to be multi talented (to a small extent).

I find it useful to remember that writer's block has two components and it is only in combination that they bother us. Take one of the components away and the other losses its power to frustrate us.

When I feel that my creative writing flow is drying up I do one of two things:

1. I concentrate on non-creative writing. This might be diary entries, emails to friends and colleagues or editing of my previous work. The objective is to remove the Block component. What I am writing doesn't matter. I simply concentrate on expressing myself as precisely and with as much quality as I can. Eventually, the ideas begin to bubble up.

2. I concentrate on non-writing creativity. I might bake some bread, knit a scarf, edit some photographs, practice on a musical instrument. Again the What isn't important. It is the fact that the brain is continuing to be creative. Furthermore, at the end once the writing is back on track I also have created a new nice thing to enjoy (especially when it is freshly baked bread!)

I hope this inspires you to find your own way to get over writer's block. I look forward to your comments and counter-suggestions.

Average rating: 4.32 · 34 ratings · 23 reviews · 6 distinct works
Chaoticum: Prelude

4.35 avg rating — 20 ratings
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Act 1 (Borderlands Book 1)

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 7 ratings
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Act 2 (Chaoticum book 2)

4.25 avg rating — 4 ratings
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Borderlands: Prelude

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating — published 2019 — 2 editions
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Borderlands: Act 1

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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Borderlands: Act 2

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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Poem: Reunion

In memory of Samuel, a precious gift we had no time to cherish. Until our final reunion in eternal peace.

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Published on July 18, 2021 09:37
The Wings of War ...
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by Bryce O'Connor (Goodreads Author)
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