Lisa Slater
Goodreads Author
in Burns, The United States
Member Since
July 2018
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Lisa Slater
rated a book it was amazing
Lisa Slater
rated a book it was amazing
Lisa Slater
rated a book it was amazing
Lisa Slater
rated a book it was amazing
Lisa Slater
rated a book it was amazing
Lisa Slater
rated a book it was amazing
Lisa Slater
rated a book it was amazing
Had me captured from the beginning and I had to keep telling myself to breathe at the end. I lived in Lakeside for years so I had my own visions of streets and paths and fishing holes that I was imaging throughout the book. Another excel" Read more of this review » |
Lisa Slater
has read
Lisa Slater
rated a book it was amazing
“Never live down to someone else's expectations”
“Just because your piece of the puzzle looks different from all the other pieces- doesn’t mean you don’t fit perfectly.”
“I have resolved to strengthen my strength, in all avenues that I can. However, I have also resolved, I will measure my success not by other's standards, but by my own. We will never reach our individual beautiful potential by striving for someone else's.”