Robert Gaspari

Goodreads Author

in Upland, PA, The United States


Member Since
January 2019

I am a lifelong resident of the eastern PA/Philadelphia area. I also spent three years in the US Army stationed up and down the east coast. I am a fan of anything quirky, off-beat and unexplained. I now have the time to write after retiring from my career as a buyer of hi-tech electronics for a local manufacturer. I need to get these stories out of my head and down on paper or electronic media.

My books to date are all lighthearted fiction-fantasy-romance-science fiction and it is hard to contain them in any particular genre box since they cross over the lines. And that's part of my personality, too. I don't always color between the lines and writing accords a freedom to do as you wish, not as you're told.

Average rating: 4.36 · 58 ratings · 5 reviews · 35 distinct worksSimilar authors
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