Araminta Interview Published on: 08, Dec 2015

Short bio or SYNOPSIS here on writing as your passion.

My Name Is Araminta, when I was younger I was very shy, and kept to myself. Reading and writing was a way for me to escape realty and create a world of my own. I needed a world of my own because I felt like people didn't understand me. Soon that's all I wanted to do, I've written and lost so much material I would probably have a couple novels by now. Writing makes me happy, It soothes me.

How long have you been writing and what Inspired you to do It seriously?

I have been writing my whole life, poems and short stories. Around July 2015 Platinum Presents got hold of a short story of mine and that's when my semi-pro career started. I say Semi-pro because I'm still a fairly unknown author. When people know my name I'll call myself a professional.

When choosing a name for your characters, what do you consider about them that determines what you finally call them?

Actually I've strangely always had this weird obsession with names. With a name like mine I always wondered If names had meanings. I'm always on baby naming sites looking for name with meanings and I write down the ones that mean something to me. Sooner or later I use them In a story or If someone lets me name their kid :)

What can you suggest to new authors to start their career?

I would say be patient, make sure you have a good team and PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE. Find any and every avenue for exposure. I'm still learning this myself.

Do you only concentrate on same genre In your writing and reading?

No, I read anything but I'm not so talented that I can write anything. I love erotic fiction and urban fiction, I try to mix the two Into like an Urban Erotica. I love the Vampire Huntress series by L.A Banks. I love all things Zane also.

What do you do to get book reviews? what Is the best review you ever got?

To get book reviews I just ask really. If you read It and like It leave a review, If you didn't like It leave a review. The best review I got was a complete understanding of my book from cover to cover. The reader really felt what I was going for and I honestly was brought to tears by that.

Do you have a trailer or do you Intend to create one for your own book?

I'm not that far Into the game to do all that. I'm still learning my trade professionally so when the time comes I will probably try that out.

Do you ever get writer’s block?

Of course. I'm also a student so sometimes my school work blocks out my writing and Its very Infuriating. I just have to get out of my element to get back Into the swing of things.

Do you have a special time to write or how Is your day structured?

Nope, I write whenever an Idea hits me to keep the flow going. Never Interrupt the creative process.

How do you promote your work?

I promote on social sites mainly. I'm looking Into other ways to get more exposure.

Would you like to share something with your readers and fan?

Thank you. My debut Novel went to #4 In urban and #9 on kindle. I couldn't have done It alone.

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