Matthew Lawrence Scigousky Interview Published on: 28, Jul 2023

Where were you born and where did you grow up.

I was born in Chicago, IL but grew up in Lake Tahoe, CA. My parents divorced at 10 years old and my mother moved me and my sister back to Chicago when I was in junior high

Can you tell us about your journey from being a high-level sales professional to becoming an author?

I have spent the last 28 years as a sales man in the medical device space. My personal story of overcoming extreme adversity as a child instilled strength and resilience inside me. I have always enjoyed sharing that story with anyone who crossed my path and found people would get inspired. During the pandemic I had broken up with my girlfriend and after a few months we began to communicate again. I wrote her 10 poems over the course of 10 days and read them to her on voice text every night. After 10 days we met and ended up getting back together and actually engaged. That process of writing sparked a fire inside of me to keep going. I started writing inspirational pieces and putting them on Facebook. after awhile I had done over 50 and my first book was born. The journey is far from over but I have come a long way and over the last year written a series of 3 books with my latest releasing on August 8th of this year. The third book in the series is an updated version of Assets of Inspiration with an audio book to follow.

How did you discover your passion for writing and speaking? Was there a specific moment or event that inspired you?

I have always been a creative at heart and as a sales man I speak with and listen to people everyday. Having a profound and positive impact on people is one of the most rewarding gifts you can receive in return. That purpose fueled my motivation to write and speak

What motivates you to share your knowledge and experiences with others?

The ability to ignite positive change in someone

How do you ensure that the action steps you provide in your writing are practical and effective for your readers?

The best way is to walk the walk and talk the talk. I do not write or speak about anything I have not done myself or are doing. My books are really my own personal playbooks for life. I know they work because of the results I get. I also know what doesn't work because I have made all the mistakes and learned from them.

Can you share an example of a profound and positive impact your writing has had on someone's life?

Just recently someone I know said my writing gave her that aha moment to see things differently and is now moving forward in the direction she wants to go in.

How do you balance your creative instincts with the need to provide actionable advice in your writing?

Be 100% authentic and always write from the heart.

What role does real-world experience play in shaping your writing topics?

100% in everything I write. I could not write about it if hadn't experienced it myself.

How did you approach researching and gathering information while writing your book, The Mindset Game?

Much comes from other authors in the same space I follow and have been inspired by.

While writing "Assets Of Inspiration", how did you handle challenges or setbacks in your writing process, and how do you overcome them?

The same way I handle any challenge or setback in life. Everything is a process and you have to just keep following the path. Understanding you will find a way or the answer will be revealed as long as you do not give up.

How would you define the "best version" of oneself according to your book, "Reveal Yourself"?

The best version of you is your true authentic self. You are not trying to be something or someone else. You accept the good and bad and most importantly are willing to look within to discover your gift. There is something special about you that only you have. Finding that is finding your purpose in life

In your book, "Reveal Yourself", you talk about the idea of looking through one's own eyes to find the best version of oneself. Can you elaborate on this concept and its significance?

The concept is that person is inside you already you just have to let them out. Embrace who you are and be willing to change or get rid of what is holding you back.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors who want to make a meaningful impact through their writing?

Just go for it and take the first step. Im still a ways away from where I want to be but I'm on my way and I won't stop until I complete my task. Be honest and authentic and write from the heart. When you can make an emotional connection with a reader that is where the magic is.

Is there anything new that you're working on?

Reveal yourself was just turned into an audio book and I started writing another book call If Not Now Then When.

Why did you choose AllAuthor?

It is a great platform to share work and network with readers and other writers

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