
The Ten Percent Tithe Stronghold

The ten percent tithing psychology set up in my mind through scriptural eisegesis created a thinking pattern and a giving psychosis that lead to me giving in ways that moved me closer to another financial chaos.

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What Are Tithes and Offerings In Malachi 3:10?

What Are Tithes and Offerings In Malachi 3:10?

When I first published my book, Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway, I was not completely sure what Malachi meant by robbing God of offerings. Part of me thought offerings included money, but in this blog post I have narrowed down what offering God was speaking of in Malachi 3:8-10.

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Frank Chase’s Rebuttal of Monetary Tithing Supported by Creflo Dollars’s Recent Admission of False Tithe Teaching

Frank Chase’s Rebuttal of Monetary Tithing Supported by Creflo Dollars’s Recent Admission of False Tithe Teaching

Press Release for Kleptomaniac: Who's Really Robbing God Anyway Dr. Frank Chase Jr, Th.D   Dr. Frank Chase’s book, “Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway?” presages Creflo Dollar’s renunciation of monetary tithing as false doctrine. MADISON, AL, JULY 14,...

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