Annette Czech Kopp


Annette Czech Kopp

Annette Czech Kopp


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    Nov 2022

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    United States

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Annette Czech Kopp, is a graduate of Northwestern University and a Principal Consultant for Kopp Company, a privately held firm. Annette is also the editor of the Kopp Chronicles series of Amazon & Goodreads 5-Star novels which have been nominated for Reader's Choice Awards, Goodreads Choice Awards and numerous "Cover of the Month" & "Book of the Day" Honors. The novels also have received a glowing review and featured “First Lines” in "Publishers Weekly", an international news website of book publishing and bookselling. Annette, dreamer, avid sea shell seeker and beach explorer is honored and humbled to be chosen by the Miso Mice to chronicle their adventures.

Annette Czech Kopp Books

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