A.G.R. Goff


A.G.R. Goff

A.G.R. Goff

Thriller, Science Fiction

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  • Member Since

    Jan 2021

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  • Country

    South Africa

  • Born

    14 February

  • Profession

    Author, Translator


A.G.R. Goff grew up in East Germany, where she witnessed the uprising in Leipzig, that ultimately lead to the fall of the Berlin Wall. She has lived in South Africa and the United Kingdom. Goff is married to an English guy and apart from writing she loves a good sense of humour and unexpected adventures. When she is not inventing stories or travelling she plays the saxophone. Examples of her work include The sky above, a dystopian story about the collapse of the world based on recent political conflicts, Mind Games is a three-book but ongoing psychological thriller series and Insanities, a collection of short stories.

A.G.R. Goff Books

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