Allysa Hart


Allysa Hart

Allysa Hart

Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy

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  • Member Since

    Apr 2017

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    7 December

  • Profession

    Author and Graphic Designer


I am a full-time mom to two sassy, strong-willed, loveable little girls. What can I say? They take after their Mama. I'm on the wrong side of 30, and I have been married to my best friend for over ten years and I couldn't imagine doing life with anyone else by my side. We are Southern California transplants, currently residing in a very rural part of the east coast. I have two crazy dogs that I adore, even though they drive me out of my ever-loving mind most days.

Writing and graphic design consume all of my spare time and I could not be happier. This journey I am on is a crazy one, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Allysa Hart Books

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