Renee Blare
Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Western Romance, Women's Fiction, Christian Fiction, Teen & Young Adult
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- Member Since
Aug 2022
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
31 July
- Profession
Christian Author and Artist, Rare Disease and Chronic Pain Advocate for CPAW and RDLA, Pharmacist (disabled and inactive, licensed), wife, mother, daughter, sister
Disabled with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, the most painful disease on the planet, Renee Blare is on a journey of rediscovery as she begins life in a wheelchair soon. Writing, at least for the time being, is slow going and she begs patience from her fans, friends, and family. She is working on several books right now, however.
To cope with the astronomical pain which consumes her day, crafts and painting (acrylic and diamond) has become a passion as well as stained glass and coin collecting. Distraction is the name of the game. It is also why writing has become so difficult. But she refuses to give up on her calling - so don't give up on her!
Living beneath the Wyoming Black Hills reminds her that strength and hope can only be found in the Creator. She seeks them each day from the Holy Spirit via her relationship with Jesus. His peace and glory surround her in the majesty of God’s Country and fellowship of His people.
She invites you to join them on the journey of Fire and Ice on her new blog, No Worries at her website Inyan Kara Studio.