Damian Quinn


Damian Quinn

Damian Quinn

Advice & How To, Biographies & Memoirs, General Nonfiction

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    Nov 2020

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    United Kingdom

  • Born

    20 February

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    Security Officer


Damian Quinn (1974-) was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, and is the author of 'Finding a Voice', now a Number 1 Book. Like with every other child born into this world, he was a very normal baby, except he was born with a disability called Developmental Language Disorder, which is the subject of the book.

The art of communication is something that everyone has. Although, not everyone does exactly have the art. This is because, like Damian, they are born with the disability mentioned above. When he was born, he only had words for his Mother, which was 'Mimmy' and nothing for his siblings or father.

Communicating can sometimes be very difficult, and writing his first book has proven very difficult. Still, he has persevered as the end result was what he wanted - to let everyone know that it is genuine and every two children in a class of thirty could have the disability. Damian tries to spread awareness throughout his adult life.

Away from spreading awareness, Damian enjoys going to the cinema, socializing with friends, playing on the Xbox, and building websites (although he doesn't think that he is that brilliant at it, he still tries his best).

Damian now has a YouTube channel which can be found at www.youtube.com/c/DysphasiaPV


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