
Diane Gallagher
Historical Romance, Women's Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Children's
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- Member Since
Dec 2023
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- Born
17 January
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Diane Gallagher is a novelist and Druid priest. She is the author of three novels – A Curse of Magick, Greenwich List, and the Bastard of Saint Genevra, as well as one poetry book – Gratitude and Betrayal|Betrayal and Gratitude, one travelogue/cookbook – Mancia di Sanu: A Canadian Expat’s take on Sicilian Life and Cuisine, and one children’s book – Moo Moo Saves the Day. She has long roots stretching into her Celtic past, although she splits her life between two islands—Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada, and Sicily off the toe of Italy’s boot. She writes young adult romance based on ancient Celtic myths of the powerful women of Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. She currently teaches creative writing at Cherry Hill Seminary.