
Quentin Cope
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Historical Fiction, Women's Fiction, Humor, Advice & How To
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- Member Since
Jul 2020
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United Kingdom
- Born
02 February
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Having lived a colorful life, survived the Iran-Iraq war of the eighties and the Gulf War of the nineties, well known author Quentin Cope has managed a satisfying life of travel and adventure that shines through those of his books reflecting some difficult times in the Middle East. His writing style can sometimes be punchy and direct with similar approaches to story-telling as other well known wordsmiths such as Jack Higgins, Glover Wright and Lee Child.
Quentin also has a sense of humor and as well as setting out to entertain in the murky worlds of deathly conflict, black politics and mysterious murder events, he also likes to amuse to the point of laughing out loud.
There are some great titles to play with in this writers humorous catalogue such as ‘The Things You Should Know About Women (Written By A Man)’, ‘The Travels of Herbert T. Eustace’ and the wonderful ‘Em’; a living snapshot of a determined female character in the North East of England as she acts out every single hour of one single day in a troubled life.
Having learnt much on his life journey, Quentin Cope also writes to help other aspiring writers in a series of titles designed to be readable, informative and hopefully the right kind of advice and information that will create quality writers and authors of the future.