Eric Michael Craig


Eric Michael Craig

Eric Michael Craig

Science Fiction

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    Jul 2016

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    United States

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From a young age Eric Michael Craig wrote stories. As early as 7th grade, his English teachers told him he should be a writer. Despite this advice, Eric chose to study electrical engineering, architecture, and physics, eventually becoming Director of Research for IFECT Power Systems in Phoenix. His fascination with science, and his burning desire to know how the universe works, led him to continue studying throughout his career. Fascinated with the cacophony of humanity, he became a keen observer of society and how people relate with things happening in world around them.

Yet the siren’s call never let him go, and ultimately he began writing full time. His first two books in the Atlas and the Winds series, as well as the many other stories and novels he has created, draw from his years of studying how humanity and the universe interact.

He now lives in the Manzano Mountains of New Mexico, where he is active in Intentional Community Design and Historical Recreation. He plays guitar and bass, occasionally dabbles in art of various forms, designs and maintains his own websites, and owns way too many dogs.

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