S. Tilghman Hawthorne


S. Tilghman Hawthorne

S. Tilghman Hawthorne

Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult

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  • Member Since

    Aug 2018

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    United States

  • Born

    21 August

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S. Tilghman Hawthorne is the author of numerous short stories several of which have been published in various anthologies. Bitter Prophecy was her first published novelette with When Shadows Dance, Feather of the Blue Heron, and The Christmas Angel following quickly.

Born and raised on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Norfolk, Virginia, she can't remember a time when she didn't want to write. When she isn't riding dragons, she's tending her garden, creating her book covers, and enjoying her family.

Here's some of her writing accomplishments:
Writingdotcom awarded her First Prize in their Fireside Drama Contest for a short story entitled "Grand Opening" as well as a Red Ribbon for "Fantastic Integration of Setting and Plot" for her novelette "Little Bear" which was later transformed into the Inspirational novelette, Feather of the Blue Heron.
Bitter Prophecy won the coveted IHIBRP (Historian and Author J.B.Richards well known Book Review Project) 5 STAR REVIEW AWARD.
You can read the review here: https://www.authorjbrichards.com/single-post/2018/10/20/Bitter-Prophecy-by-S-Tilghman-Hawthorne-IHIBRP-5-Star-Book-Review
When Shadows Dance also was honored with this achievement: https://www.authorjbrichards.com/single-post/2018/07/19/When-Shadows-Dance-by-S-Tilghman-Hawthorne-IHIBRP-5-Star-Book-Review

She's had two non-fiction articles published in The Riverside Nurse and also won a poetry contest at 1-800-FLOWERS. She even won an "I've Been Published" t-shirt for her poem on the demise of the Taco Bell Chihuahua!! (He was really a "she")

In October of 2014, her short story "Finding Grace" was published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Touched by an Angel.

She worked as a Medical Secretary for 26 years in a Virginia Trauma Center, has been married for twenty years and has two grown daughters and four beautiful grandchildren.

Susan has always loved to read and write and began to pursue publication when she retired from her full time job. So, as you can see, it's ever too late!

S. Tilghman Hawthorne Books

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