
Helene Pascal-Thomas
Biographies & Memoirs
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- Member Since
May 2023
- Gender
- Country
United Kingdom
- Born
21 July
- Profession
Brought up with my sister in a small provincial town in post-war France, I returned to Bordeaux where I was born to study Literature and Journalism at University. After working as a journalist in Paris, I came to live in London, married a talented artist and started a long career as a teacher, later re-training as a counsellor. I have one daughter and two grand-children.
BRINGING UP my daughter was the great joy in my life, as I re-invented motherhood and could at last watch the blossoming of a joyful child. My attempts to find love and build a family with a man, however, were unsuccessful and caused me great distress. I wrote a lot during this time and found great pleasure in friends, gardening, art, the theatre, films and my love of cats.