
Jack Tymann
Science Fiction, Fantasy
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- Member Since
Feb 2023
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
11 April
- Profession
Who am I? I’m the retired President/CEO of Westinghouse International, where I led government relations and multi-billion-dollar business development in 75 countries – before retiring after an exciting 40-year career. And one who has served in the U S Congress. In “Adam in Taoland” I share lessons learned over my much-blessed lifetime – in the corporate world, in politics, and most importantly throughout a sixty-two-year love affair that has gifted us with four married children twelve amazing grandchildren, and our first great-grandson.
I’m a guy whose been writing passionately since 7th grade – when I won a Best Essay contest in New York City. I’ve served as Editor in Chief of newsletters in in schools, in the private sector, and in community. I’ve written hundreds of speeches and presentations and executive Harvard Business School, guested on Talk Radio, lectured, and served for 3-years in the US House of Representatives as Consigliore to my Congressman. I’ve received a BSEE from Manhattan College and completed the Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program.
Who am I? The proud author of "Adam in Taoland" that I dedicate to my soulmate and family. I am the most blessed individual on Planet Earth.