Marie Josette Murray


Marie Josette Murray

Marie Josette Murray

Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction, LGBT

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    Jul 2019

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    United States

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Josette Murray is a typical female liberal artist who predictably spent a few decades as a secretary/administrative assistant, trying to be the square peg in the round hole of other people's schedules. But one wondrous day, she answered a newspaper ad (remember them?) and found the freelance way of life with a single client, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. FABulous career.

Upon semi-retirement, she began writing fiction and found her voice in her four beloved main characters, and now lives vicariously through their adventures. She also enjoys the opportunity to make a point in every book. You can follow her own adventures at her website

She is a late bloomer in most things, like coming out (31), motherhood (45), and author (68). But when she finds her passions, she pursues them with gusto. And so do her mature heroines of the Silver Series. This started with Silver Love, in which they dealt with betrayal, addiction and criminal intent— all with overdeveloped taste buds. And in To Be Loved, they face down kidnapping, human trafficking, throw-away gay kids, and murder. But will they emerge once again triumphant? And at what cost?

Josette shares the taste bud experience with her heroines, to both her delight and rue. She lives in Decatur, GA (Atlanta area) with her two canine rescues and exercise coaches, Reece and Piper.

Marie Josette Murray Books

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