
Kelsey Elise Sparrow
Suspense, Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance
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- Member Since
Sep 2017
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- Country
United States
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- Profession
Author, Educator
Kelsey Elise Sparrow is an author and lover of romance novels.
She writes in various genres: rom-com, suspense, and fantasy to name a few. As a lover of great movies, music, and books, her characters express interests in each as well as so much more. The worlds she creates are based upon dreams and imaginings that will take the reader on a journey unlike any other.
Kelsey calls Georgia her home. She is mother to a wonderful son (who is her man-child), loves playing games, Marvel, and exploring. Her first completed series is The Norton Sisters. Watch for what’s to come with the characters who trust her with their stories and all of the upcoming series.
Stories with Heart. Sass. Shock. Romance at your fingertips.
Follow her on social media to discover where her creative mind will take you.