Kenna Agnew


Kenna Agnew

Kenna Agnew

Suspense, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Children's

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  • Member Since

    Oct 2023

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    13 April

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I'm a 35-year-old single mother of three boys, residing on a small farm in Oklahoma. Writing has been my passion since a young age, and I've pursued it diligently over the years. I'm proud to have published five books on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), which has allowed me to share my stories with readers around the world. As a mother and writer, I find inspiration in the everyday moments and challenges that life presents. Living on a farm provides a unique backdrop for my creativity, and I often draw from the beauty of nature and the resilience of farm life in my writing. I strive to balance my roles as a mother and an author, cherishing the joys and lessons that both bring to my life.

Kenna Agnew Books

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