K.T. Luca


K.T. Luca

K.T. Luca

Action & Adventure, Romance, Literary Fiction, LGBT, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult

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  • Member Since

    Apr 2022

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  • Country

    United Kingdom

  • Born

    30 August

  • Profession

    Author, Animal Welfare Manager


Creator of Ryvalia (Fantasy world). Author of book series Shadows of History. Animal Enthusiast.

Born in the UK, I grew up as a daydreamer. It didn't matter where I was or what I was doing, my imagination was making sure it was something magical. Though I found great interest in animal sciences, this simply fueled imagination further with the creation of creatures with habitats, mating abilities, diets, etc. These creatures then led to a world (Ryvalia) which in turn led to humanoid species with extensive backgrounds.

I have since started to create full stories for members of the Ryvalian world; the beginning story being of a wingless fairy named Lily Rosales who has allowed me to explore the memories of my youth in the process.

Each and every character and plot is a reflection on something I have seen, heard, witnessed or experienced, giving me a bond with my characters closer to that of my own family. A bond only rivaled by the ones I have with my cats, aha!

K.T. Luca Books

Book Teaser

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