Chuck Boeheim


Chuck Boeheim

Chuck Boeheim

Science Fiction, Fantasy

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  • Member Since

    Mar 2025

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    United States

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Chuck Boeheim brings his career in science and technology to tales of science fiction and fantasy while leaning into the "sufficiently advanced technology" trope. He's prone to filling his notebook with celestial mechanics calculations and other research for accuracy before telling the human stories set against that background. (Don't worry, the math doesn't end up in the stories.) His debut novel Sellenria has appeared on the Amazon top Hard Science Fiction list, while Knots is an exploration of a magical world based on topology. His short story Charon recently appeared in the anthology "Of Gods and Globes III."

Chuck lives with his wife, Chidori, and two cats, Rumplethumpkin and Yomogi, on the edge of Cayuga Lake in Upstate New York. When not writing, he enjoys reading, gardening, cooking, and traveling the world. He's visited most places in the world with high-energy physics labs and is now busy filling in the gaps in between.

Chuck Boeheim Books

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